Thursday, November 28, 2019

Mexican Economy Essays (4270 words) - Military History Of Mexico

Mexican Economy Mexico was the site of some of the earliest and most advanced civilizations in the western hemisphere. The Mayan culture, according to archaeological research, attained its greatest development about the 6th century AD. Another group, the Toltec, established an empire in the Valley of Mexico and developed a great civilization still evidenced by the ruins of magnificent buildings and monuments. The leading tribe, the Aztec, built great cities and developed an intricate social, political, and religious organization. Their civilization was highly developed, both intellectually and artistically. The first European explorer to visit Mexican territory was Francisco Fern?ndez de C?rdoba, who in 1517 discovered traces of the Maya in Yucat?n. In 1535, some years after the fall of the Aztec capital, the basic form of colonial government in Mexico was instituted with the appointment of the first Spanish viceroy, Antonio de Mendoza. A distinguishing characteristic of colonial Mexico was the exploitation of the Native Americans. Although thousands of them were killed during the Spanish conquest, they continued to be the great majority of inhabitants of what was referred to as New Spain, speaking their own languages and retaining much of their native culture. Inevitably they became the laboring class. Their plight was the result of the 'encomienda' system, by which Spanish nobles, priests, and soldiers were granted not only large tracts of land but also jurisdiction over all Native American residents. A second characteristic of colonial Mexico was the position and power of the Roman Catholic church. Franciscan, Augustinian, Dominican, and Jesuit missionaries entered the country with the conquistadores. The Mexican church became enormously wealthy through gifts and bequests that could be held in perpetuity. Before 1859, when church holdings were nationalized, the church owned one-third of all property and land. A third characteristic was the existence of rigid social classes: the Native Americans, the mestizos, mixed Spanish and Native American (an increasingly large group during the colonial era), black slaves which were brought from Africa and the Caribbean, freed blacks and white Mexicans. The white Mexicans were themselves divided. Highest of all classes was that of the peninsulares, those born in Spain, as opposed to the criollos, or Creoles?people of pure European descent who had been born and raised in New Spain. The peninsulares were sent from Spain to hold the highest colonial offices in both the civil and church administrations. The peninsulars held themselves higher than the criollos, who were almost never given high office. The resentment of the criollos became an influential force in the later movement for independence. In 1808 the viceroy, under pressure from influential criollos, permitted them to participate in the administration. Other peninsular officials objected and expelled the viceroy. In the midst of these factional struggles a political rebellion was begun by the Mexican people. Mexico has been rocked by political rebellion during most of its entire history in one way or another. Under the various dictatorships that Mexico found itself under at times in history, it made tremendous advances in economic and commercial development. Many of the new undertakings were financed and managed by foreigners (mostly American and European). This was and continues to be a major factor in the discontent of most Mexicans. Moreover, the government favored the rich owners of large estates, increasing their properties by assigning them communal lands that belonged to the Native Americans. When the Native Americans revolted, they were sold into peonage. Discontent, anger and a spirit of revolt continued to grow throughout Mexico. Madero was elected president in 1911, but was not forceful enough to end the political strife. Other rebel leaders, particularly Emiliano Zapata and Francisco (Pancho) Villa, completely refused to submit to presidential authority. Victoriano Huerta, head of the Madero army, conspired with the rebel leaders and in 1913 seized control of Mexico City. New armed revolts under Zapata, Villa, and Venustiano Carranza began, and Huerta resigned in 1914. Carranza took power in the same year, and Villa at once declared war on him. In addition to the ambitions of rival military leaders, intervention by foreign governments seeking to protect the interests of their nationals added to the confusion. In August 1915, a commission representing eight Latin American countries and the United States recognized Carranza as the lawful authority in Mexico. The rebel leaders, except for Villa, laid down their arms. The bandit leader incited his forces to commit crimes against Americans to show his resentment against the United States and in 1916 led a raid on Columbus, New Mexico. As a result, an American force under General John J. Pershing was sent to Mexico. A new

Monday, November 25, 2019

Starship Trooper essays

Starship Trooper essays The film which I will present my Close Textual Analysis will be Paul Verhoevens 1997 sci-fi Starship Troopers. The sequence which I will focus most of my analysis on is the opening sequence of the film. The beginning point of this sequence is shown by the Federal Network advisement image, informing us that this sequence is going to be some form of news broadcast. The end point of this sequence is shown through the diegetic camera work on planet Klandathu. The camera has been knocked to the ground due to the camera operator being killed by the bugs. The camera is positioned awkwardly on the main character, Johnny Rico. Here the end point is shown by the camera becoming static and hearing Johnny Rico screaming oh god, oh god, finally the camera goes blank. We can understand that this is a complete sequence as each cut from one scene is directly relating to the previous scene. The sequence simply flows; there is also a continuous narrator who is explaining what is going on. Also the nex t sequence starts by using the blankness of the camera. Using this blankness it states one year earlier. The narrative operation that I will elaborate on will be the mise-en-scene elements of the sequence. The opening sequence of Verhoevens Starship Troopers endows the film to have a narrative image in the likeness of television serials or cinema previews. We the audience are immediately engaged with controversy. Through this type of narrative image it is evident that the audience as a whole is engaged by the enigma of the story, this is created through the diegetic camera work on planet Klandathu that reveals the main character Johnny Rico. Yet he is presented to us as being killed in action. However time manipulation is seen to create an audience cheat here due to the flash forward showing that Johnny Rico in fact survived the attack. The way in which Verhoeven grabs the audience&...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team - Essay Example All the departments are dependent on each other and they should exhibit high level of trust on each other. Kathryn explained to the group that teamwork begins with building trust. She focused a lot on this issue as she knows this is the prime reason for the lack of communication between the team members. Kathryn explained to Jeff that from team point of view they are totally broken. Jeff assumed that Mickey has to do the entire thing with Marketing, Martins to develop products, and JR’s to make sales. No one ever shared much information with other. They use to work in isolation, every executive focused on its individual department success. Employees refer to themselves not as a team but as a staff. There was no team or team work, executives were working as individuals. There was no team effort, each individual was competent, one of the best from the industry but together they were a disaster. This created obstacles for the company in achieving its goals, even though it had best people in the organization but company failed to make them work as a team. Kathryn gave this speech multiple times that they had more experience and talented team than any of their competitors, more cash, better core technology, more powerful board of directors than any of other in the industry. But still they were far behind their two competitors. Each one of them works individually, but not as a team. Discussions were slow and boring, No one argued with another. Teammates at Decision Tech’s usually didn’t question another and there was no sense of healthy arguments during meeting. People were least interested and there was no culture of feedback among executives. They didn’t consider that their contribution can be fruitful for company. They were all busy in their own departments meeting their individual conflicting targets. There was no outcome of the time-bounded meetings. Meetings started and ended at a

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Pinterest Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Pinterest - Research Paper Example Pinterest Community is an archive site that articulates different forms of communication given the fact that the community takes into account the aspect of technology at hand. These forms of communication include; Email has turned into a standard manifestation of business correspondence, particularly for short messages that oblige movement. This sort of engineering based correspondence permits you to deal with a ton of clients, and also accomplices and different stakeholders without long discussions. Advanced programming of Pinterest permits one to send the same email to all invested individuals with the goal that you can keep the message, name, and items in the front line of their brains. Messaging has turned into the most individual manifestation of business correspondence the extent that Pinterest Community and their movement is considered. While you may give your email location to numerous individuals, your particular content number is saved for a couple of close cohorts. Your correspondences by content have a tendency to be more critical than email. In the event that Pinterest business is moving excessively gradually, this has been considered a channel to analyze whether there is message exploitation. Interpersonal organization destinations, for example, Facebook and Myspace has been a vital apparatus to contact of different society through offering of thoughts the extent that Pinterest group is of concern. The group has changed in accordance with these types of correspondence style to a more casual methodology. Rather than deals pitches, spot messages on these locales that sound like you have a great arrangement for your companions. The statement "website" is another way to say "web log." Amateurs frequently compose these destinations, however getting a blogger to survey an item or administration might be a great approach to spread the saying about your little

Monday, November 18, 2019

Renewable energy will be the most significant challenge for the oil Research Paper

Renewable energy will be the most significant challenge for the oil industry. Explain, by citing three reasons, whether you agree or disagree with this statement - Research Paper Example It is not true that renewable energy will be a challenge for the oil industry because of many factors. The renewable energy requires more infrastructure compared to the petroleum oil (Piotrowiak (2012). This process makes the consumers abandon the renewable sources of energy for oil. The price of oil usually fluctuates. It creates uncertainty in the market. The consumers are subjected to speculation. This process affects the prices of other products given that the industries rely on petroleum oil to run their plant and machinery. The petroleum oil undergoes many processes before obtaining pure oil. However, the other sources of energy like wind energy involves many processes. The transition to the use of electric cars will need an industrial transition from the old model spare parts to the manufacturing of electric vehicle spare parts. The adoption of renewable energy vehicles will require continuous monitoring and control software in order to maintain proper functioning of the vehicle. Thus renewable energy will not be a major challenge for the oil industry. The process will cause an additional cost to the owners of vehicles. According to Chan (2012), the marginal returns from the transport business will drastically reduce. Consequently, many potential investors in the transport will be sent away. The electric vehicles will also require extensive facilities for the safe transmission of electric energy to the intended destination. The transmission facilities will require extra electric energy. The cost of using this form of energy will be high. The common form of renewable component, ethanol, and gasoline are not suitable because of the high oxygen conte nt of the mixture. The high oxygen content makes the mixture unsuitable for pipeline transmission. Safe transmission is financially constraining. The additional costs make the preference of the renewable energy sources

Friday, November 15, 2019

Website Quality Evaluation Based on Sitemap

Website Quality Evaluation Based on Sitemap M.Chandran A.V.Ramani Abstract Website quality evaluation can be made based on creating site map for the WebPages for a single website which works properly. A website is taken for the analysis where we check every link under that website are checker and split it according to status code. By analyzing every status code from all those webpage links, we are ignoring every other link except the page contains status code 200. Then we are developing the sitemap for those links which is working perfectly. Keyword: Sitemap, Website, Search Engine Optimization, SMGA. 1. Introduction Website are something entirely new in the world of software quality, within minutes of going live .[]The World Wide Web has made the spread of information and ideas easy and accessible to millions. It’s the place where everyone has an opportunity to be heard—that is, if you can be found amidst the multitude of other Web sites out there. Every WebPages has their own characteristics and this characteristic has drawbacks and benefits.[1] There are many dimensions of quality, and each measure will pertain to a particular website in varying degrees. Here are some of them: time, a credible site should be updated frequently. The information about latest update also should be included on the homepage. However, if the information has not been updated currently, the visitor could easily know that perhaps the site manager does really bother to update the site. Second is structural, all of the parts of the website hold together and all links inside and outside the website should work well. Broken links on the webpage also are another factor that always downgrades the quality of website. Each page usually has references or links or connections to other pages. These may be internal or external web site. A user expects each link to be valid, meaning that it leads successfully to the intended page or other resource. In a 2003 experiment, discovered that about one link out of every 200 disappeared each week from the Internet [1]. The third factor is content;number of the links, or link popularity is one of the off page factors that search engines are looking to determine the value of the webpage. Most of search engine will need a website to have at least two links pointing to their site before they will place it to their index, and the idea of this link popularity is that to increase the link popularity of a website, this website must have large amount of high quality content. Number of links to website improves access growth and helps to generate traffic [2]. PR(A) = (1-d) + d(PR(t1)/C(t1) + + R(tn)/C(tn)) PR = page rank t1 – tn = are pages linking to page A C = is the number of outbound links that a page as D = is a damping factor, usually set to 0.85. Search engine such Google make a citation analysis to rank hits, then a website which has a any links to it will have a higher ranking compare than a website with a few links. This indicator can be used to measure the quality of web site. Fourth is response time and latency, a website server should respond to a browser request within certain parameters, it is found that extraneous content exists on the majority of popular pages, and that blocking this content buys a 25-30% reduction in objects downloaded and bytes, with a 33% decrease in page latency. Popular sites averaged 52 objects per page, 8.1 of which were ads, served from 5.7 servers [3], and object overhead now dominates the latency of most web pages [4]. Following the The first step would be to be sure your sitemap is up to date to begin with and has all the URLs you want. The main thing is none of them should 404 and then beyond that, yes, they should return 200s. Unless youre dealing with a gigantic site which might be hard to maintain, in theory there shouldnt be errors in sitemaps if you have the correct URLs in there. Getting sitemaps right on a large site made a huge difference to the crawl rate and a huge indexation to follow [3]. With growth of web-site content its getting harder and harder to manage relations between individual WebPages and keep track of hyperlinks within a site. Unfortunately there are no perfect web-site integrity tools or services that can enforce proper relationship between pages, keep track of moving content, webpage renames etc, and update corresponding URLs automatically. Modern content management systems and blog software may aggravate the problem even more by Replicating the same dead web links across numerous web-pages which they generate dynamically, so people can be getting 404 errors much more frequently.[4] Sitemap Sitemaps, as the name implies, are just a map of your site i.e. on one single page you show the structure of your site, its sections, the links between them, etc. Sitemaps make navigating your site easier and having an updated sitemap on your site is good both for your users and for search engines.[3]. Important sitemap errors that could affect our rankings The first step would be to be sure your sitemap is up to date to begin with and has all the URLs you want (and not any you dont want). The main thing is none of them should 404 and then beyond that, yes, they should return 200s. Unless youre dealing with a gigantic site which might be hard to maintain, in theory there shouldnt be errors in sitemaps if you have the correct URLs in there. Getting sitemaps right on a large site made a huge difference to the crawl rate and a huge indexation to follow. 2. Problem Definition . Every webpage design has their own characteristics and this characteristic has drawbacks and benefits. There is a mechanism for measuring the effects of the webpage component toward the performance and quality of website. This mechanism will measure size, component, and time needed by the client for downloading a website. The main factor that will influences this download time are page size (bytes), number and types of component, number of server from the accessed web. Research conducted by IBM can be used as a standard for performance measurement of quality [7]. Standard international download time for this performance can be used as a reference to categorize the tested webpage. After we have done with data, and then continued by testing of data. Table1. Standard of the website performance Four Reasons to keep Site Map A site map is literally a map of your Web site. It is a tool that allows visitors to easily get around your site. Having a well constructed site map is not only important to create a positive experience for your potential customers, but is an important aspect of search engine optimization. Below are 4 functions of a site map. Navigation A site map provides an organized list of links to all the pages on your Web site. If visitors get lost while browsing your site, they can always refer to your site map to see where they are and get where they would like to go. Site maps allow your visitors to navigate your Web site with ease. Theme When visitors access your site map, they will learn a lot about your Web site within a very short period of time. A well constructed site map will allow visitors to easily and efficiently grasp your site. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Since a site map is a single page that contains links to every page on your Web site, it is a very effective way to help search engine spiders crawl through your site with ease.Since search engines rely on links to find the main pages of your site, a site map is a great way to get every page on your site indexed by the search engines. The more pages you have indexed by the search engines, the more potential you will have to reach a greater number of prospective clients. The World Wide Web has made the spread of information and ideas easy and accessible to millions. It’s the place where everyone has an opportunity to be heard—that is, if you can be found amidst the multitude of other Web sites out there. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of making your Web site accessible to people using search engines to find services you provide. Search engines (such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing) operate by providing users with a list of relevant search results based on keywords users enter. This allows people who don’t know your Web site address to find your site through keyword searches [1]. Some basic features of Web sites that search engine spiders look for are:Keyword usage, Keyword placement, Compelling content, HTML title tags, meta-descriptions and Keyword tags, External and internal links, Site updates, Site map, Web design, Functionality. Effective keyword usage is not simply based on repeating a keyword or phrase over and over on your Web site. Organization A site map enables you to easilyassess the structureof your site to see where your site is strong and where it is weak. Whenever you need to add new content or new sections to your Web site, you will be able to take the existing hierarchy into consideration by glancing at your site map.[1] Sitemap files have a limit of 50,000 URLs and 10 megabytes per sitemap. Sitemaps can be compressed usinggzip, reducing bandwidth consumption. Multiple sitemap files are supported, with aSitemap indexfile serving as an entry point.Sitemap indexfiles may not list more than 50,000 Sitemaps and must be no larger than 10MiB(10,485,760 bytes) and can be compressed. You can have more than oneSitemap indexfile [2] 3. Methodologies This research stages will start with problem identification followed by research procedure and sample of data explanation. Nature of invalid hyperlinks With growth of web-site content its getting harder and harder to manage relations between individual WebPages and keep track of hyperlinks within a site. Unfortunately there are no perfect web-site integrity tools or services that can enforce proper relationship between pages, keep track of moving content, webpage renames etc, and update corresponding URLs automatically. With time this causes some hyperlinks becomeobsolete,stale,dangling, and simply deadbecause they dont lead to valid pages anymore, and web-users are going to get404response codes or other unsuccessful HTTPresponses each time when they try to access the web-pages. Modern content management systems and blog software may aggravate the problem even more by replicating the same dead weblinks across numerous web-pages which they generate dynamically, so people can be getting 404 errors much more frequently. Important of onlinelink checker Due to lack of adequate problem detection tools (aka URL validators, web spiders, HTML crawlers, websites health analyzers etc) its really very hard to identify what exact local and outbound hyperlinks became dead, and its even harder to fix those because in order to do so you need to know precise location of the broken linking tag in the HTML code: without that you will need to scan through thousands source lines to find exact HREF (or other linking sub-tag) that causes the problem. Sample Data In order to get data for this research, we examined Ramakrishna mission portals were not randomly selected, but a careful process was undertaken. Rather than selecting any generic [5] At the beginning of the process we are giving the website link. As we can see that the status of that website, whether it presents or not. By the analysis of this functionality we can able to get the status code of the website link. As shown in the figure, the domain name, ip address and server name with status code would be displayed. If the website status code is 200 then the website link that we gave is completely ok. If the website link we gave is broken or deleted than it will display the 404 status code error. Constructing Tree Structure by Applying Site Mapping Generation Algorithm (SMGA) MAPGEN(Di) { GenRoot(m1,.mn); // Getting root node for menus For i0 to n For j0 to f s[j]=GetChild(mi,j); // For getting child node End For If s[i]==NULL AddNode(mi,NULL); //No child node for root Else AddNode(s[i], mi); // adding child to root node End If End For For all m, sDomain } 4. Result and Discussion In Table-2, we are giving a website link ( to test whether that link present or not. After receiving that the status of that link as 200, we are examining whether that link has site map or not. If we got to know that the website does not have the site map, we are moving to the next step of process. Table-2: From Table-3, we are exploring how many links totally that website contains. With the help of that data we are processing every single link that we got to receive the status code of that link. By categorizing that we are splitting them into number of collection sorted by status code. We are developing the site map for the link which has the status code 200. We are ignoring the rest of the links from that website. Table3. Dynamic website( List of errors with status code . Table-4 shows the common status code that occurs often with description and comment. When the received links which has the status 200, we could confirm that the link of that website link is working fine. When the received code is 404, the requested page or the URL is not available or unknown location to the server. When the received status code is 522, the requested web server is currently down or unavailable due to traffic. ­Ã‚ ­Ã‚ ­ Table-4: Figure-1 represents in form of chart which the data that collected from the Table-2. From the chart we can understand that the status code of the website link data has drawn where the 404 status code occurs often than others. Figure-1 First step for creating site map we need a site to analyse the WebPages under that site. For that we are taking a link ( for creating site map. After reading every page under that link, we can get a table of content which has a series of links with the status code. We found that the total link contains under that website is 193. By categorizing those pages according to the status code of the every link. The total link that contains 200 Status code is 84. The total link that contains the 404 status code is 104. The total link that contains 410 Status code is 4. The total link that contains Status code 522 is 1. By ignoring all the links that contains status code except 200. We can only create site map for the link which contains the 200 status code. Development of the sitemap Generator The sitemap which shown in the Figure-2 had generated with the help of above algorithm. The algorithm defines the process to show the result by means of root node and child node. If the link is Title it adds to the root node else it add that sub title link as child node. Figure -2 5. Conclusion We taking a required link of the website to check all the links under that which has the status code 200 and ignoring the remaining error links. The page which works completely has been taken for creating sitemap based on SMGA algorithms.  ­ Search Engine optimization Looks for sitemap in every website for the ranking system in every query search. We are developing the sitemap for the website which already do not have the sitemap within. When the SEO found the sitemap in a website then it would increase the ranking. References Frank McCown, M.N., and Johan Bollen, The Availability and Persistence of Web References in D-Lib Magazine, in the 5th International Web Archiving Workshop and Digital Preservation (IWAW05). 2005. Larry Page, R.M., Sergey Brin,Terry Winograd. The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine. Stanford. Krishnamurthy, B.a.C.W. Cat and Mouse: content Delivery Tradeoffs in Web Access. in WWW 2006. Edinburgh, Scotland. Yuan, J., Chi, C.H., and Q. Sun. A More recise Model for Web Retrieval. in WWW 2005. 2005. Chiba, Japan. Team, I.W.S., Design for Performance: Analysis of Download Times for Page Elements Suggests Ways to Optimize. 2001. Information on â€Å"Helping Spiders Crawl through your Web Site â€Å"available at, accessed at 18 September, 2013. Information on â€Å"sitemaps†,last modified on 15 September 2013, Information on† Free Broken Link Checker /OnlineURLValidator†http:/, last accessed at 18 September, 2013 Handaru Jati and Dhanapal Durai Dominic â€Å"Quality Evaluation of E-Government Website using Web Diagnostic Tools:Asian Case†,2009 International Conference on information management and Engineering ,2009 IEEE.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Subjectivity in Edith Whartons The House of Mirth Essay -- House Mirt

Subjectivity in Edith Wharton's The House of Mirth      Ã‚   Edith Wharton's The House of Mirth presents an interesting study of the social construction of subjectivity. The Victorian society which Wharton's characters inhabit is defined by a rigid structure of morals and manners in which one's identity is determined by apparent conformity with or transgression of social norms. What is conspicuous about this brand of social identification is its decidedly linguistic nature. In this context, behaviors themselves are rendered as text, and the incessant social appraisal in which the characters of the novel participate is a process of deciphering this script of behavior. People's actions here are read, as it were, according to the unique social grammar of this society. The novel's treatment of this conception of social reading is brought to the fore through its devaluing of written texts in favor of legible behaviors.    The novel signals this pattern from its opening. In the first scene we are introduced to Selden, engaged in what we discover is a typical activity for the novel's personae, the silent, personal, interrogation of another person. "If she had appeared to be catching a train," we are told, "he might have inferred that he had come on her in an act of transition between one and another of the country houses which disputed her presenceÃ…  "(5†¹emphases mine). Here, Selden, at his first glimpse of Lily, has taken to conjecturing all manner of explanations for her simple presence in the train station. He, like all members of his social niche, does not shy away from judgement until he is more fully appraised of her situation. Even, the slightest "air of irresolution" gives him license to divert his at... ...bling Structure of 'Appearances': Representation and Authenticity in The House of Mirth and The Custom of the Country."   Modern Fiction Studies 43.2 (1997): 349-73. Gerard, Bonnie Lynn.   "From Tea to Chloral: Raising the Dead Lily Bart."   Twentieth Century Literature 44.4 (1998): 409-27. Howard, Maureen.   "On The House of Mirth."   Raritan 15 (1996): 23 pp.   28 Oct. 2002   <>. Howe, Irving.   Edith Wharton, a Collection of Critical Essays.   Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1962. Miller, Mandy.   Edith Wharton Page.   19 Nov. 2002  Ã‚  Ã‚   <>. Pizer, Donald.   "The Naturalism of Edith Wharton's The House of Mirth."   Twentieth Century Literature 41.2  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   (1995): 241-8. Wharton, Edith. The House of Mirth. (1905) New York: Signet,. 1998.